Infinite Potential - Large Clear Quartz
Infinite Potential - Large Clear Quartz
Infinite Potential - Large Clear Quartz

Infinite Potential - Large Clear Quartz

Regular price $80.00 Sale

A beautiful Clear Quartz piece filled with gleaming light, divine wisdom, and a radiance that can only be felt.

Known as the "Master Crystal", Clear Quartz amplifies intentions and feelings, allowing them to manifest at a quicker rate. It assists in balancing, revitalizing, and energizing the mental, physical and emotional bodies, creating an even flow or harmonized energy.

Clear Quartz also draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.

This potent stone allows you to create a custom program, or intention, for a specific vision or desire.

Clear Quartz can amplify a specific vision or intention, allowing you to magnetize the resources, people, and energy required to fulfill your desire.

*Images have NO FILTER. Yes they are that stunning IRL.

*High Quality/Ethically Sourced


*Beautifully Carved into a Tall Tower